Labels, Annotations and Environment Variables

A reference for all labels, annotations, and environment variables in LWS.


Key Description Example Applies to The name of the LeaderWorkerSet object to which these resources belong. leaderworkerset-multi-template Pod, Statefulset, Service Hash used to track the controller revision that matches a LeaderWorkerSet object. 5c5fcdfb44 Pod, Statefulset The group to which it belongs. 0 Pod, Statefulset (only worker) Unique key identifying the group. 689ce1b5…b07 Pod, Statefulset (only worker) The index or identity of the pod within the group. 0 Pod Tracks which subgroup the pod is part of. 0 Pod (only if SubGroup is set) Pods that are part of the same subgroup will have the same unique hash value. 92904e74…801 Pod (only if SubGroup is set)


Key Description Example Applies to The total number of pods in each group. 4 Pod Replicas Number of leader-workers groups. 3 Statefulset (only leader) The name of the leader pod. leaderworkerset-multi-template-0 Pod (only worker) Specifies the topology for exclusive 1:1 scheduling. LeaderWorkerSet, Pod (only if exclusive-topology is used) Determines what type of domain will be injected. UniquePerReplica Pod (only if leader and subdomainPolicy set to UniquePerReplica) The number of pods per subgroup. 2 Pod (only if SubGroup is set) Specifies the topology for exclusive 1:1 scheduling within a subgroup. topologyKey LeaderWorkerSet, Pod (only if SubGroup is set and subgroup-exclusive-topology is used) Indicates if the leader pod requests TPU. true Pod (only if leader pod requests TPU)

Environment Variables

Key Description Example Applies to
LWS_LEADER_ADDRESS The address of the leader via the headless service. leaderworkerset-multi-template-0.leaderworkerset-multi-template.default Pod
LWS_GROUP_SIZE Tracks the size of the LWS group. 4 Pod
LWS_WORKER_INDEX The index or identity of the pod within the group. 2 Pod
TPU_WORKER_HOSTNAMES Hostnames of TPU workers only in the same subgroup. test-sample-1-5.default,test-sample-1-6.default,test-sample-1-7.default,test-sample-1-8.default Pod (only if TPU enabled)
TPU_WORKER_ID ID of the TPU worker. 0 Pod (only if TPU enabled)
TPU_NAME Name of the TPU. test-sample-1 Pod (only if TPU enabled)

If you want to use more environment variables, they are available in the labels or annotations but not listed in the Environment Variables section. We can obtain the index by using the Downward API to pass the Pod’s label as an environment variable to the container.